13 October 2011

AX 2009 Retail Major Tables

// Following table are for ax retail 2009 if we do any retail transaction this two table will //affect

Get the Number Sequence through X++

//This following code to get the number sequece by using code.
//this following example describe to get purchID and ProjJournalID

ProjJournalTable _projJournalTable;
PurchTable _PurchTable;

_projJournalTable.JournalId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(ProjParameters::numRefProjJournalId()).num();
_PurchTable.PurchId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(PurchParameters::numRefPurchId()).num();

12 October 2011

Pass The Parameters to Class

To pass the parameter from the form selected record to class
1.Create a class as following code.
2.Add this class to Actions MenuItem.
3.In form add this MenuItemButton.
Open the form Select a record in the grid and click the button.
That record passed to the Main method. in info you will Vendor id get 2 times.
Cause New Method is calling and Post method is calling.

public class EmplProcess
VendTable _VendTable;
public void new(Common vTable)
_VendTable = vTable;
public void post()
public static void main(Args args)
Common _common;
EmplProcess _EmplProcess;

_common = args.record(); //getting the record from the form
_EmplProcess = new EmplProcess(_common);//passing the above record to the new method
_EmplProcess.post();// calling the post method

While creating Object for class we can pass the parameter.

Class1 cls;
cls = new Class(VendTable);// this is Data Source name in Vend Table form

//in class override the new method and assign the Parameter.
public void new(VendTable vTable)
_VendTable = vTable;

11 October 2011

To attach a MS SQL database (.mdf) file with a missing log file

This is to attach a MS SQL database (.mdf) file with a missing log file (.ldf)

sp_attach_db 'MicrosoftDynamicsAx2012', 'D:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\DATA\MicrosoftDynamicsAx2012.mdf','D:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\DATA\MicrosoftDynamicsAx2012.ldf'

Ledger Voucher creation Framework and x++ code to create ledger voucher

 Please click her for MS reference file Below is the out of the box example reference and code. SalesInvoiceJournalPostSubBill_Extension-...