30 November 2013

how to deploy AX 2012 SSRS report by using management shell

1. Click on Start | Administrative tools.
2. Right-click on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Management Shell.
3. Click on Run as administrator.
4. Enter the following PowerShell command to deploy.

Importing AxUtilLib
Importing AxUtilLib.PowerShell
Importing Microsoft.Dynamics.Administration
Importing Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Management
PS C:\Windows\system32> publish-axreport -reportName "CustTransList"
Deploying reports and related artifacts.

ConfigurationId : SSRS
Description :
Default : True
ReportServerFolder : DynamicsAX
ReportServerName : WIN-Q8ELR4RAAKK
ReportServerInstanceName :
ReportServerManagerUrl : http://win-q8elr4raakk/Reports
ReportServerWebServiceUrl : http://win-q8elr4raakk/ReportServer

ReportName : CustTransList
Designs : {CustTransList.Report}
Assemblies : {CustTransListReport.BusinessLogic.dll, SharedComp
onentsSRS.BusinessLogic.dll, DrillThroughCommon.dl
Datasources :
DesignDeploymentStatus : {Success}
AssemblyDeploymentStatus : {Success, Success, Success}
DataSourceDeploymentStatus :

Deployment completed.

PS C:\Windows\system32>

26 November 2013

How to get records by using tableId

static void TableRecByRecID(Args _args)
Common common;
DictTable dictTable;
#define.tableNo(77)// 77 is CustTable id
dictTable = new DictTable(#tableNo);
common = dictTable.makeRecord();
select common;

25 November 2013

Reread(), refresh() and research()


reread Rereads the active record from the database.
refresh Refreshes the view of all the records currently held in the
data source.
research Refreshes the complete query defined in the data source.

Ledger Voucher creation Framework and x++ code to create ledger voucher

 Please click her for MS reference file Below is the out of the box example reference and code. SalesInvoiceJournalPostSubBill_Extension-...