01 November 2015

How to get the AX info infolog value in ax 2009 / 2012 Exception handling example.

static void exceptionHandling(Args _args)
CustTable cust;
int i;
CustProjErrorStack custProjErrorStack;

while select cust where cust.ABC_Approval != noyes::Yes

for (i=1; i<=infolog.line(); i++)


custProjErrorStack.ErrorType = ErrorType::Error;
custProjErrorStack.Message = infolog.text(i);



28 September 2015

Woflow AX 2009 and AX 2012

Purchase order workflow -> enable and disable the posting buttons.


//For PO workflow begin
select firstonly workflowConfigurationTable
where workflowConfigurationTable.TemplateName == "PurchOrderApproval"
&& workflowConfigurationTable.Enabled == Noyes::Yes;

ok = ok && (purchTable.State == PurchReqWorkflowState::WorkflowCompleted);
//For PO workflow end


//For PO workflow begin
select firstonly workflowConfigurationTable
where workflowConfigurationTable.TemplateName == "PurchOrderApproval"
&& workflowConfigurationTable.Enabled == Noyes::Yes;

ok = ok && (purchTable.State == PurchReqWorkflowState::WorkflowCompleted);
//For PO workflow end

06 August 2015

check the caller from in ax 2012

Public Static void main(Args _args)

if(_args.dataset() == tableNum(CustTable))


04 August 2015

How to pass the parameter when opening the MenuItem using X++ code AX 2009 / AX 2012

static void OpenDisplayMenuItem()
Args args = new Args();
new MenuFunction(MenuItemDisplayStr(VendTable),MenuItemType::Display).run(Args);

09 July 2015

Read XML file in AX 2009 / 2012

static void ReadXml_New(Args _args)
XmlDocument xmlDoc;
XmlElement xmlRoot;
XmlElement xmlField;
XmlElement xmlRecord;
XmlNodeList xmlRecordList;
XmlNodeList xmlFieldList;
XMLElement xmlEl;
XMLNode xmlNode;
//CustTable carTable;
//DictTable dTable = new DictTable(tablenum(CarTable));
int i, j, fieldId;
// Create an XmlDocument object to hold the
// contents of the xml-file
xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Load the content of the xml-file
// into the XmlDocument object
xmlDoc.load(@"c:\Users\abc\Desktop\myxmlInvoice.xml"); // @'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\Invoice.xml'

// permission.assert();
//doc = XMLDocument::newXml(xmlDoc); // this line is to take xml parse data as a parameter and creating new xml file in the code.

// Get the root node
xmlRoot = xmlDoc.getNamedElement("Data");

// Get all child nodes (records)
xmlRecordList = xmlRoot.childNodes();

// Loop through the list of records
for (i=0; i {
// Get the current record from the
// record list
xmlNode = xmlRecordList.nextNode();
xmlRecord = xmlRecordList.item(i);
// Get all child nodes (fields)
xmlFieldList = xmlRecord.childNodes();
// Loop through the list of fields
for (j=0; j {
// Get the current field from the
// field list
xmlField = xmlFieldList.item(j);
// Set the matching field in the carTable
// to be equal to the inner text
// (the text between the tag and end tag).
//carTable.(dTable.fieldName2Id(xmlField.name())) =
// Insert the record into the carTable

25 June 2015

Copy records to multiple companies / Insert records to multiple companies in AX 2009/2012

static void InsertRecordsInCompanies( Args _args )
ProjTable projTable,_projTable;
Str com;
DataArea dataArea;

com = curext();

while select _projTable
where _projTable.CheckCompany == Noyes::Yes
while select dataArea
where dataArea.id != curext()
&& dataArea.id != "dat"
changeCompany( dataArea.id )
if(dataArea.id != com)
projTable = null;
projTable.ProjId = _projTable.ProjId;
info(strfmt("%1,%2 %3",projTable.ProjId,_projTable.dataAreaId,projTable.dataAreaId));


06 June 2015

AX hang up and deadlock when opening general journal and Invoice journal Can not create number sequence in Ax 2009 and AX 2012

I have faced a issue is that when I am creating General journal or Invoice journal system getting hang up and deadlock.
So I found that Number sequence issue, system is unable create number sequence since that number is already generated and Available in NumberSequence-> List

I was trying to delete unused number sequence list no use, there are 2 table to have a look.


I have tried to delete in table also no Use. Even cant delte unused number sequence list in DB side.


Step.1 Stop AOS.
Step 2 Take DB back up.
Step 3 Delete the unused NumberSequence from NumberSequencList table in the SQL server DB side.
Step 4 Start AOS.

Happy Daxing :-)

03 June 2015

DefaultDimension and default financial dimension values through X++ code in AX 2012

Using the dimension values getting default dimension recid:
Example 1.
static void dimension(Args _args)
DefaultDimensionView defaultDimensionView,defaultDimensionView1;
VendInvoiceTrans vendInvoiceTrans;

while select defaultDimensionView join vendInvoiceTrans
where vendInvoiceTrans.DefaultDimension == defaultDimensionView.DefaultDimension
&& defaultDimensionView.name == "CostCode"
&& defaultDimensionView.DisplayValue == "DX001"
join defaultDimensionView1
where defaultDimensionView1.DefaultDimension == vendInvoiceTrans.DefaultDimension
&& defaultDimensionView1.Name == "Project"
&& defaultDimensionView1.DisplayValue == "TIPL-000044"
info(strfmt("%1 %2 ",defaultDimensionView.DisplayValue,vendInvoiceTrans.InvoiceId));


Using Defult dimension getting Dimension values: Example 1:

ProjTable ProjTable;
DimensionAttributeValueSet DimensionAttributeValueSet;
DimensionAttributeValueSetItem DimensionAttributeValueSetItem;
DimensionAttributeValue DimensionAttributeValue;
DimensionAttribute DimensionAttribute;

while select * from ProjTable
where ProjTable.ProjId == "70001" // To get 70001 dimension values
join RecId from DimensionAttributeValueSet
where DimensionAttributeValueSet.RecId == ProjTable.DefaultDimension
join RecId, DisplayValue from DimensionAttributeValueSetItem
where DimensionAttributeValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet == DimensionAttributeValueSet.RecId
join RecId from DimensionAttributeValue
where DimensionAttributeValue.RecId == DimensionAttributeValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue
join RecId, Name from DimensionAttribute
where DimensionAttribute.RecId == DimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute
info(DimensionAttribute.Name+"----"+ DimensionAttributeValueSetItem.DisplayValue);


DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage dimStorage;
ProjTable ProjTable;
Counter i;

ProjTable = ProjTable::find("70001"); // To get 70001 dimension values
dimStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(ProjTable.DefaultDimension);

for (i=1 ; i<= dimStorage.elements() ; i++) { info(DimensionAttribute::find(dimStorage.getAttributeByIndex(i)).Name +"----" +dimStorage.getDisplayValueByIndex(i)); } ============= ProjTable ProjTable; Counter i; container conDim; ProjTable = ProjTable::find("70001"); // To get the dimension values for 70001 conDim = AxdDimensionUtil::getDimensionAttributeValueSetValue(ProjTable.DefaultDimension);

for (i=1 ; i<= conLen(conDim) ; i++)

29 May 2015

05 May 2015

AX 2012 Command prompt compilation / AxBuild.exe for Parallel Compile on AOS of X++ to p-code

Go to cmd prompt
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin>
axbuild.exe xppcompileall /s=01
/altbin="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.0\Client\Bin"

Please click here for more details

22 April 2015

06 April 2015

How to copy The One company DATA another company

static void copyDataToOthercompanies(Args _args)

DataArea dataArea;
ExchRates ex;
Currency cr;
str currentyCom;

currentyCom = curext();
while select dataArea where ! dataArea.isVirtual
changecompany (dataArea.Id)
if(dataArea.id != currentyCom)
//select forupdate cr;
cr = null;
cr.CurrencyCode = "XPT";
cr.Txt = "XPPPPPT";
cr.CurrencyCodeISO = "XPT";



16 February 2015

Claims to Windows Token Service in SharePoint Central Administration - AX 2012 R3 EP installation warning / error

Hi Gusys,

Claims to Windows Token Service in SharePoint Central Administration
Share point central administration
-> System settings> Manage services on server

Start the Climes to windows token service

To check Default Share point portal:


22 January 2015

Test Services in AX 2012

Visual Studio Command Prompt by going to All Programs à Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 à Visual Studio Tools à Visual Studio Command Prompt.

Write wcftestclient and press enter. WCF Test Client will open.

Please click here for more information

21 January 2015

Default dimension in AX 2012 for customer or vendor X++ code

DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage valueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
DimensionDefault result;

int i;
DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;

// Note that "Item" is not one of the default dimension,
// but DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage will handle it gracefully
container conAttr = ["BusinessUnit","CostCenter","Department", "ItemGroup", "Project"];
container conValue = ["004", "009", "024","Services","000007"];
str dimValue;

for (i = 1; i <= conLen(conAttr); i++)
dimensionAttribute = dimensionAttribute::findByName(conPeek(conAttr,i));

if (dimensionAttribute.RecId == 0)

dimValue = conPeek(conValue,i);

if (dimValue != "")
// The last parameter is "true". A dimensionAttributeValue record will be created if not found.
dimensionAttributeValue =

// Add the dimensionAttibuteValue to the default dimension

result = valueSetStorage.save();

14 January 2015

The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly. Error + AX 2012 R3 CU8 Installation error

Hi Guys,

Please check the log in the below link:

\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\YOUR_INSTANCE\bin\XppIL\Dynamics.Ax.Application.dll.log

Happy daxing

Ledger Voucher creation Framework and x++ code to create ledger voucher

 Please click her for MS reference file Below is the out of the box example reference and code. SalesInvoiceJournalPostSubBill_Extension-...