22 January 2015

Test Services in AX 2012

Visual Studio Command Prompt by going to All Programs à Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 à Visual Studio Tools à Visual Studio Command Prompt.

Write wcftestclient and press enter. WCF Test Client will open.

Please click here for more information

21 January 2015

Default dimension in AX 2012 for customer or vendor X++ code

DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage valueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
DimensionDefault result;

int i;
DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;

// Note that "Item" is not one of the default dimension,
// but DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage will handle it gracefully
container conAttr = ["BusinessUnit","CostCenter","Department", "ItemGroup", "Project"];
container conValue = ["004", "009", "024","Services","000007"];
str dimValue;

for (i = 1; i <= conLen(conAttr); i++)
dimensionAttribute = dimensionAttribute::findByName(conPeek(conAttr,i));

if (dimensionAttribute.RecId == 0)

dimValue = conPeek(conValue,i);

if (dimValue != "")
// The last parameter is "true". A dimensionAttributeValue record will be created if not found.
dimensionAttributeValue =

// Add the dimensionAttibuteValue to the default dimension

result = valueSetStorage.save();

14 January 2015

The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly. Error + AX 2012 R3 CU8 Installation error

Hi Guys,

Please check the log in the below link:

\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\YOUR_INSTANCE\bin\XppIL\Dynamics.Ax.Application.dll.log

Happy daxing

Ledger Voucher creation Framework and x++ code to create ledger voucher

 Please click her for MS reference file Below is the out of the box example reference and code. SalesInvoiceJournalPostSubBill_Extension-...