Ex:1 Report with datasource added
//Take a Report and Add a Table.
//Make sure that Table Properties set as "Temporary: YES" or
//In Report init method write this code "Tmtab.setTmp();" to make tamp
//Write the following code in the report Fetch Method
public boolean fetch()
str acc;
boolean ret;
// ret = super();
while select custTable
Tmtab_1.CustAccount = custTable.AccountNum;
return true;
Ex:2 Report without Datasource
Write the below code in fetch method
public boolean fetch()
str acc;
boolean ret;
// ret = super();
while select custTable
Tmtab.CustAccount = custTable.AccountNum;
return true;
Create a display method and return the field value
//BP Deviation Documented
display CustAccount acc()
return Tmtab.CustAccount;
This blog is for Dynamics AX (AXAPTA) Developers,this will help you for your development issues. This site contains some Microsoft Dynamics AX X++ Codes for use in your day to day use.
29 September 2010
Working with Temporary Tables in forms
Ex: 1 Temp Table in Job
static void tempTableData(Args _args)
CustTable custTable,tmpCustTable;
// Here setting custtable as Temprorary Table
while select custTable
//Here we are puting data to tempTable
//printing tmpCustTable data
Ex 2: Forms with datasource added
//Take a Form and Add a Table.
//Make sure that Table Properties set as "Temporary: YES" or
//In Form init method write this code "Tmtab.setTmp();" to make tamp
//Write the following code in the Form DataSource init() Method
public void init()
while select custTable
TempTab.CustAccount = custTable.AccountNum;
Ex 3: Forms without datasource added
static void tempTableData(Args _args)
CustTable custTable,tmpCustTable;
// Here setting custtable as Temprorary Table
while select custTable
//Here we are puting data to tempTable
//printing tmpCustTable data
Ex 2: Forms with datasource added
//Take a Form and Add a Table.
//Make sure that Table Properties set as "Temporary: YES" or
//In Form init method write this code "Tmtab.setTmp();" to make tamp
//Write the following code in the Form DataSource init() Method
public void init()
while select custTable
TempTab.CustAccount = custTable.AccountNum;
Ex 3: Forms without datasource added
28 September 2010
Using DictTable
static void dictTable_Ex(Args _args)
DictTable dictTable;
DictField dictField;
TableId tableId;
FieldId fieldId;
tableId = tablenum(CustTable);
dictTable = new DictTable(tableId);
fieldId = dictTable.primaryKeyField();
if(0 != fieldId)
dictField = new DictField(tableId, fieldId);
print strfmt("Primary key field name: %1", dictField.name());
DictTable dictTable;
DictField dictField;
TableId tableId;
FieldId fieldId;
tableId = tablenum(CustTable);
dictTable = new DictTable(tableId);
fieldId = dictTable.primaryKeyField();
if(0 != fieldId)
dictField = new DictField(tableId, fieldId);
print strfmt("Primary key field name: %1", dictField.name());
Write EXCEL Document, export data to excel with X++
static void CreateExcelDocument (Args _args)
SysExcelApplication xlsApplication;
SysExcelWorkBooks xlsWorkBookCollection;
SysExcelWorkBook xlsWorkBook;
SysExcelWorkSheets xlsWorkSheetCollection;
SysExcelWorkSheet xlsWorkSheet;
SysExcelRange xlsRange;
CustTable custTable;
int row = 1;
str fileName;
// Name of the Excel document.
fileName = "C:\\test.xslx";
// Excel open and initialize.
xlsApplication = SysExcelApplication:: construct ();
xlsApplication.visible (true);
// Create an Excel Worksheet produce.
xlsWorkBookCollection = xlsApplication.workbooks();
xlsWorkBook = xlsWorkBookCollection.add();
xlsWorkSheetCollection = xlsWorkBook.worksheets();
xlsWorkSheet = xlsWorkSheetCollection.itemFromNum (1);
// Write to the worksheet cells headings.
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 1). value ('Account Number');
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row,2). value ('name');
row ++;
// Excel Worksheet with data fill / (Excel cells fill).
while select custTable
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 1). value (custTable.AccountNum);
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 2). value (custTable.Name);
row ++;
// Check whether the document already exists.
if (WINAPI:: fileExists (fileName))
Winapi:: DeleteFile (fileName);
// Save Excel document.
// Close Excel.
xlsApplication.quit ();
xlsApplication.finalize ();
SysExcelApplication xlsApplication;
SysExcelWorkBooks xlsWorkBookCollection;
SysExcelWorkBook xlsWorkBook;
SysExcelWorkSheets xlsWorkSheetCollection;
SysExcelWorkSheet xlsWorkSheet;
SysExcelRange xlsRange;
CustTable custTable;
int row = 1;
str fileName;
// Name of the Excel document.
fileName = "C:\\test.xslx";
// Excel open and initialize.
xlsApplication = SysExcelApplication:: construct ();
xlsApplication.visible (true);
// Create an Excel Worksheet produce.
xlsWorkBookCollection = xlsApplication.workbooks();
xlsWorkBook = xlsWorkBookCollection.add();
xlsWorkSheetCollection = xlsWorkBook.worksheets();
xlsWorkSheet = xlsWorkSheetCollection.itemFromNum (1);
// Write to the worksheet cells headings.
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 1). value ('Account Number');
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row,2). value ('name');
row ++;
// Excel Worksheet with data fill / (Excel cells fill).
while select custTable
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 1). value (custTable.AccountNum);
xlsWorkSheet.cells (). item (row, 2). value (custTable.Name);
row ++;
// Check whether the document already exists.
if (WINAPI:: fileExists (fileName))
Winapi:: DeleteFile (fileName);
// Save Excel document.
// Close Excel.
xlsApplication.quit ();
xlsApplication.finalize ();
22 September 2010
Convert date type to datetime type in ax
static void convertDateToDateTime(Args _arg)
date d = today();
int timeOfDay;
UTCDateTime datetime;
timeOfDay = str2time('00:00:00');
datetime = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(d, timeOfDay);
date d = today();
int timeOfDay;
UTCDateTime datetime;
timeOfDay = str2time('00:00:00');
datetime = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(d, timeOfDay);
15 September 2010
Code To Copy Table records between Companies, crosscompnay
static void Transfer_Rec(Args _args)
DictTable dicttable;
DictField dictfield;
Common common,common1;
int fieldcnt,i;//Returns the number of fields for the table
fieldId fieldid; //Field from usertable
UserTable TempTable,TempTable1; // UserTable is the table, whose data u want to copy
while select TempTable
common = TempTable;
dicttable = new DictTable(common.TableId);
TempTable1 = null;
common1 = TempTable1;
fieldcnt = dicttable.fieldCnt();
for (i = 1; i <= fieldcnt; i++)
fieldid = dicttable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
dictfield = new dictfield(common.TableId,fieldid);
if (dictfield.id() == fieldname2id(common.TableId,identifierstr(dataareaid)))
common1.(dictfield.id()) = common.(dictfield.id());
print strfmt('done');
DictTable dicttable;
DictField dictfield;
Common common,common1;
int fieldcnt,i;//Returns the number of fields for the table
fieldId fieldid; //Field from usertable
UserTable TempTable,TempTable1; // UserTable is the table, whose data u want to copy
while select TempTable
common = TempTable;
dicttable = new DictTable(common.TableId);
TempTable1 = null;
common1 = TempTable1;
fieldcnt = dicttable.fieldCnt();
for (i = 1; i <= fieldcnt; i++)
fieldid = dicttable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
dictfield = new dictfield(common.TableId,fieldid);
if (dictfield.id() == fieldname2id(common.TableId,identifierstr(dataareaid)))
common1.(dictfield.id()) = common.(dictfield.id());
print strfmt('done');
14 September 2010
Microsoft Dynamics AX Frameworks
1. Runbase Framework
2. Batch Framework
3. Dialog Framework
4. Operation Progress Framework
5. NumberSequence Framework
6. SysLastValue Framework
7. AIF-Application Integration Framework
8. Wizard Framework
9. Infolog Framework
10.Unit Test Framework
2. Batch Framework
3. Dialog Framework
4. Operation Progress Framework
5. NumberSequence Framework
6. SysLastValue Framework
7. AIF-Application Integration Framework
8. Wizard Framework
9. Infolog Framework
10.Unit Test Framework
Microsoft Dynamics AX Design Patterns
The Microsoft Dynamics AX design patterns listed below enable you to use existing code patterns
to resolve common design issues Click here
1. Instantiating Application Objects
2. Searching for Records
3. Searching for Multiple Occurrences
4. Parameter
5. static find Method
6. static exist Method
7. Pack-Unpack
8. Persistent Data Storage
9. Containers as Parameter Bags
10. Multi-selection
11. Partner Hooks
12. Use the Type System
13. Data Validation
14. Change Company
15. Storno
15.Change Company
static void main()
CustTable custTable;
// Assume that you are running in company 'aaa'.
changeCompany('bbb') // Default company is now 'bbb'.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
// custTable is now selected in company 'bbb'.
// Default company is again set back to 'aaa'.
changeCompany('ccc') // Default company is now 'ccc'.
// Clear custTable to let the select work
// on the new default company.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
// custTable is now selected in company 'ccc'.
// Default company is again 'aaa'.
to resolve common design issues Click here
1. Instantiating Application Objects
2. Searching for Records
3. Searching for Multiple Occurrences
4. Parameter
5. static find Method
6. static exist Method
7. Pack-Unpack
8. Persistent Data Storage
9. Containers as Parameter Bags
10. Multi-selection
11. Partner Hooks
12. Use the Type System
13. Data Validation
14. Change Company
15. Storno
15.Change Company
static void main()
CustTable custTable;
// Assume that you are running in company 'aaa'.
changeCompany('bbb') // Default company is now 'bbb'.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
// custTable is now selected in company 'bbb'.
// Default company is again set back to 'aaa'.
changeCompany('ccc') // Default company is now 'ccc'.
// Clear custTable to let the select work
// on the new default company.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
// custTable is now selected in company 'ccc'.
// Default company is again 'aaa'.
13 September 2010
insert_recordset & update_recordset
void copySQLDictionary2DictionaryLine()
SqlDictionary sqlDictionary;
insert_recordset bufferDictionary(tabId, fieldId, array,
name, sqlName, fieldType, strSize, shadow,
rightJustify, nullable, flags)
select tabId, fieldId, array, name, sqlName, fieldType,
strSize, shadow, rightJustify, nullable, flags
from sqlDictionary
where sqlDictionary.tabId > 0;
MyTable myTableBuffer;
update_recordset myTableBuffer
field1 = 1,
field2 = fieldX + fieldY
where field1 == 0;
void copySQLDictionary2DictionaryLine()
SqlDictionary sqlDictionary;
insert_recordset bufferDictionary(tabId, fieldId, array,
name, sqlName, fieldType, strSize, shadow,
rightJustify, nullable, flags)
select tabId, fieldId, array, name, sqlName, fieldType,
strSize, shadow, rightJustify, nullable, flags
from sqlDictionary
where sqlDictionary.tabId > 0;
MyTable myTableBuffer;
update_recordset myTableBuffer
field1 = 1,
field2 = fieldX + fieldY
where field1 == 0;
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