This blog is for Dynamics AX (AXAPTA) Developers,this will help you for your development issues. This site contains some Microsoft Dynamics AX X++ Codes for use in your day to day use.
22 September 2023
D365 F&O OData get call in Postman which is getting empty records even when we filtered with company in endpoint
18 September 2023
Export data entity or composite data entity using X++ code in D365 F&O
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
using System.Net.Http;
//using Windows.Web.Http;
internal final class TRGExportEntitySO
public static void main(Args _args)
TRGExportEntitySO entityExport = new TRGExportEntitySO();
public void exportEntityData()
DMFDefinitionGroupEntity definitionGroupEntity,definitionGroupEnt;
DMFEntity dmfEntity,dmfEntityLoc;
CBBlobHelper helper = new CBBlobHelper();
Query query;
DMFEntityName entityName = "Sales Orders Composite v3";
DMFDefinitionGroupName definitionGroupName = 'SO Export';//'Customer payment journal Exp';
SharedServiceUnitFileID fileId;
List xsltFileList = new List(Types::String);
boolean isGenerated = false;
select firstonly DefinitionGroup,Entity,Source from definitionGroupEnt
where definitionGroupEnt.DefinitionGroup == definitionGroupName
join TargetEntity from dmfEntityLoc
where dmfEntityLoc.EntityName == definitionGroupEnt.Entity
&& dmfEntityLoc.EntityType == DMFEntityTypes::CompositEntity;
//DMFEntity dmfEntityLoc = DMFEntity::find(definitionGroupEnt.Entity);
//entityName = DMFEntity::findFirstByTableId(tableNum(SalesOrderV3Entity)).EntityName;
// Update query
query = new query(dmfutil::getDefaultQueryForEntityV3(definitionGroupEnt.Entity,definitionGroupName));
//query = new query(this.getDefaultQueryForEntityV3(entityName));
querybuilddatasource qbds = query.datasourcetable(tablenum(SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity));
sysquery::findorcreaterange(qbds, fieldnum(SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity, SalesOrderNumber)).value("SOCN01-0000056"); // selected record value to be pass here
select firstonly RecId,Entity,DefinitionGroup from definitionGroupEntity
exists join dmfEntity
where definitionGroupEntity.DefinitionGroup == definitionGroupName
&& dmfEntity.entityName == definitionGroupEntity.entity
&& dmfEntity.TargetEntity == dmfEntityLoc.TargetEntity;//"SalesOrderV3Entity";
definitionGroupEntity.QueryData = query.pack();
DMFEntityExporter exporter = new DMFEntityExporter();
fileId = exporter.exportToFile( definitionGroupEnt.Entity,
if (fileId != '')
//Get Azure blob url from guid
str downloadUrl = DMFDataPopulation::getAzureBlobReadUrl(str2Guid(fileId));
System.Uri uri = new System.Uri(downloadUrl);
str fileExt;
if (uri != null)
fileExt = System.IO.Path::GetExtension(uri.LocalPath);
Filename filename = strFmt('%1,%2',definitionGroupEnt.Entity,fileExt);
System.IO.Stream stream = File::UseFileFromURL(downloadUrl);
//Send the file to user
//File::SendFileToUser(stream, filename);
//str connectStr = CBKeyVaultCertificateHelper::getManualSecretValue('');
str connenctionString = "" + filename + "?sv=2022-11-02&ss=b&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacyx&se=2024-04-01T18:49:49Z&st=2023-10-12T10:49:49Z&spr=https&sig=xvLiFCCg6JmHjJ1x6i2Eu%2BhEw1DWSetEKD6jZtRWgu4%3D";
//str connectStr = "";
Uri blobUri = new Uri(connenctionString);
//using(System.Net.Http.HttpClient cl = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
// {
// System.Net.Http.HttpClient clien = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
// System.Net.Http.StreamContent content = new System.Net.Http.StreamContent(stream);
// //content.Headers.Add("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob");
// //string mimeType = "text/plain";
// //content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", mimeType);
// var response = cl.PutAsync(blobUri, content).Result;
// if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// {
// throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Put request wasn't a success.");
// }
// }
//catch (Exception e)
// throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Your file upload wasn't successful.");
helper.uploadBlobFileByStream("filename", stream);
DMFDefinitionGroup::find(definitionGroupName, true).delete();
isGenerated = true;
//throw error("The file was not generated succefully. See execution log");
//throw error("DMF execution failed and details were written to the execution log");
16 September 2023
D365 F&O Data Management entity export for all companies data
On the dataEntity properties "Primary company Context" property set to "DataAreaId" that means it will export the data on the current company.
To export all companies data:
DataEntity properties "Primary company Context" property set to Emply that means it will export the data on the current company
04 September 2023
Query missing QueryBuildDataSource for FormDataSource PurchTable in PurchTable form in D365 F&O
Query missing QueryBuildDataSource for FormDataSource PurchTable
when there is a new table PurchTableTAR in D365 F&O
AP-> Purchase Orders assigned to me
When I open this its getting the below error.
Query missing QueryBuildDataSource for FormDataSource PurchTableTAR
as newly added table in PurchTable Form.
As shown below is the query to be added new table which is added in the form as a DataSource.
Ledger Voucher creation Framework and x++ code to create ledger voucher
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